Friday, December 27, 2019

Obese Attitude Essay - 1248 Words

Obesity has increased in North American society (especially in the states). The United States has even been called an overweight nation. About 20% to 30% of American adults are now considered obese. Even though some Americans are in the healthy category, others enter the underweight, overweight, and even obese categories. Not only is obesity unhealthy, but it is also considered unacceptable. People have been labeled and made fun of their entire lives do to obesity. For some this is an uncontrollable way of life. An example of this are shirts which say No Fat Chicks, showing that overweight people are unacceptable and undesirable. People are made fun of, often never to regain full acceptance. Some people are to be blamed for their†¦show more content†¦Since people often socialize with people who are more similar to them. An obese persons group of friends may also be obese. Since they are obese, overeating is a natural thing to them and they may encourage the obese atti tude and lifestyle. If two fat people are with each other, the chances of them over eating and not exercising regularly are like finding a needle in a haystack. The group makes each other feel better about their decisions and decide to participate themselves. Outside of this group, the group members are seen as deviant. People are labeled deviant due to their attitudes, behaviors, or conditions. All of these contribute to obesity. Some attitudes might obtain an acceptance within a peer group or family for obesity. Behavior for obesity shouldnt be labeled deviant because its often uncontrollable, but some obese people become obese due to overeating and lack of activity. To be deviant also means to be abnormal, but in our society the term normal cant be defined. People choose what is normal and what isnt and the view is often one-sided. Because a person is heavier than you or most people that you know, doesnt give you the right to label them as deviant. However, a person who is overweight and considered abnormal, has the ability to change their appearance and regain normal status in society. Overweight people who attempt to lose their weight areShow MoreRelatedA Critique on the Thesis1383 Words   |  6 PagesA Critique on the Thesis: Shirley, C.C.S. (2004) The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population, Hong Kong University e-theses data base This paper is to critique a thesis titled The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population by Shirley, C.C.S. (2004).This thesis can be found on the database of Hong Kong University. This report mentions the slimming pheromone in Hong Kong, andRead More Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Essay1306 Words   |  6 PagesWestern and Eastern cultures. 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