Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Effects of Alcohol Advertisements on Youth

â€Å"Two teens dead and another hospitalized after a single car crash and police say that drinking and driving was the cause,† the news reporter continued. â€Å"Fifteen is no age to die!† Will exclaimed. â€Å"Fifteen is no age to drink and drive either,† added Oskar. â€Å"What persuades these ‘little doves’ to drink?† Susan asked. â€Å"I would blame the alcohol advertisements for that,† answered Oskar. â€Å"Hahaha....are you out of your mind? How can advertisements persuade someone to drink? You can surely think of something better,† laughed Will. I feel dizzy listening to their conversation. I never thought a quiet evening could turn into an argument over a news report and some irresponsible teenagers. However, I must admit, it made my brain do some serious†¦show more content†¦In the 1990’s the alcohol industry used cartoon and animal characters to attract young viewers which were overwhelmingly admired by youth. In 1996, for example, the Budweiser Frogs were more recognizable to children aged 9-11 than the Power Rangers or Tony the Tiger (Grube and Waiters 698). Even today, alcohol advertising hasn’t undergone any major changes. A study on the responses of young people to alcohol advertising found that underage youth are drawn to music; animal and people characters, story and humour in alcohol advertising and these ads have a great influence on their desire to drink (Grube and Waiters 702). According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, incidence of onset of alcohol peaks at age 18 years and trails off by the age of 25. The Centers for Disease Control and Promotion estimate that more than 4,000 persons younger than 21 years die annually as a result of excessive drinking. David Jernigan, in his article, also states that alcohol advertising is one of the primary causes of binge drinking. As per the article, young people aged 12 to 20 years are exposed per capita to 48% more beer advertising, 20% more distilled spirits advertising and 92% more advertising for ‘alcopops’ than adults of the legal drinking age (Jernigan 102). Spending so much time optically canvassing advertisements naturally tempts children to commence drinking. Youth is a phase of life when people are willing to try newShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Alcohol Advertising On Adolescents1494 Words   |  6 PagesAlcohol advertising is abundant globally. It is vital that adolescen ts are to be raised in a positive and healthy setting. Particular consumer segments are considered to be more subtle towards the negative impact of advertising (Morgan, Schuler and Stoltman, 1995). Due to the new social networking technologies exist today and the various way of advertising, it is not surprising that adolescents are exposed to alcohol advertising as direct promotions are easy and voluminous. 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